Monday, September 1, 2008

Be Desire Free

The longing for more, the hankering
The craving for this and the acquiring of that
The love for them and the hate for them
This swaying and tossing, this desire

The sadness, the pain, the sickness
The defeat, the ignominy, the strife
The disrespect for the worthy, the hate
This dangerous enemy inside, evil desire

Like the weeds that grow tormenting the garden
Like the river that swells into a deluge
Like the clouds the cover the pristine sky
Unsettling the divine purity, this unstoppable desire

The worry that the people will change
The worry of the conversion of minds, instability
The fear of ridicule, ignominy and failure
This worry seizing the mind, this root called desire

When more is fed into this fire
It blazes forth and engulfs and craves
Unsatisfied and unfettered it goes on
Fuelling the mind, this fire of desire

Her forms are unknown, her appearance is unknown
She comes like a beautiful maiden
Goes away taking everything, this ugly demoness
In the mind, know her to be desire

Is this the plight that the Yogis fear
These appearances everywhere, the fuel
The five senses being the different tongues of the flame
The root of the heat being the ego, this desire

O whence will I shut my doors to this dangerous lady
Ignoring her beauty and her bewitching smile
Using the sword of detachment, mercilessly decapitate her
When from worries, from fear, O when will I be desire free!

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